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Showcase Your School and Connect Your Community

Explore Digistorm’s industry-leading school websites and apps.

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Transform the way you grow and engage with your community

Marketing and communications teams face an interesting challenge: how to attract and engage new families while sharing information and engaging current families. Digistorm can help. With tailor-made websites and apps exclusively designed for private and independent K-12 schools, Digistorm bridges the gap between schools and families across every stage of the enrollment journey. Watch this video for a quick look at Digistorm and fill out the form for a custom demo. 

Our staff were the first ones to see the website... they literally clapped when they first saw it in our staff meeting. It was such a refreshing change from our old one.

Marketing and Community Relations Manager Helena College

Parents have trust and confidence that they can find information on the app. It’s become a one-stop shop for our parents and students to find information, as well as we don’t have to double our communication efforts, and it’s worked seamlessly into our communication program.

Director of Communications Wisconsin Lutheran High School

One of our goals as a school is to increase enrollments, and so having a website that can offer the story of the school, information of the school, and quickly get them to the inquiry process was absolutely vital.

Director of Advancement and Marketing Marvelwood School

Ready to bring your school’s tech full circle? Request a demo to discover the Digistorm difference.